Do You Have a Health Insurance Broker?
April 13, 2016
[Ed: Originally published on Facebook.]
Yesterday we looked at adding an advisor to your team (a financial planner) who will be able to help you comprehensively look at your entire financial picture and plan for all of your goals. Today, we’re going to look at adding a teammate who will be a bit more specialized – a health insurance broker. If you’re following the “Your Post-Divorce Compass” process, you’ll be looking at this specifically on Day 14.
Most likely, you’ll have some sort of health insurance option available from your employer. Still, those plans can be “one size fits most”, and while there may be options, you may not be able to easily sort out which one is best for you. I recommend finding an independent (i.e., not “captive” or beholden to a particular insurer) broker who can help you objectively evaluate your options and find what works best for you. They can be a wealth of information, and usually they are willing to advise you at little or no cost – hoping, of course, that by finding you the best option for you, you’ll let that broker sign you up.