Book Review: “Amy”
March 11, 2016
[Ed: Originally published on Facebook as well as Amazon as a 5-star review.]
We wanted to share a review from “Amy”, a counselor who finds the book to be a handy resource for her clients:
“Your Post-Divorce Compass is a must-have and a must-read for everyone who is going through or who has recently gone through a divorce. Mike has done an excellent job breaking down a very overwhelming time of life into understandable and manageable parts! As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice, I have worked with many men and women as they were entering into or moving through the transition of divorce. I wish this book had been available as a resource to give to those clients as I know that it would have made a tremendous difference in helping them to feel more informed and confident in the post-divorce process. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your expertise through the writing of this book. It is great to have this on hand to share with my clients now!”
Thank you so much, Amy, and thank you all for being a part of the Your Post-Divorce Compass community! Please feel free to share our information with someone you know who is going through this time of transition in his or her life. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or comments. You can reach us at