About the Author
February 8, 2016
[Ed: This is a collection of Facebook posts for the week of February 8, 2016.]
I have been practicing family law for more than a decade, helping hundreds of people go through the emotional and often very complicated divorce process. I have found that once the divorce is final, my clients are often left feeling lost in a sea of “what now” questions. There are no resources out there that pick up where the divorce process ends to help people find direction in the “what nows” of this new stage of life – until now!
After graduating from the University of Alabama with a degree in International Studies and Economics, I pursued my law degree from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and have remained in the Atlanta area throughout my career as a trial lawyer. My areas of specialty include, but are not limited to, landlord-tenant disputes and domestic/custody/family law. In terms of my family law cases, and my work with many judges, attorneys, and families, I can attest to the fact that there is little direction that a person receives as to how to move forward in his or her newly single life. This insight is what prompted me to write this book. I wanted to be able to extend my support and expertise beyond the divorce process to my clients, and to all who are in transition to their post-divorce life.
While this may not seem directly related to my work as a trial attorney, I must note that I am a die-hard Alabama football fan. This is important for many reasons but one reason, in particular, is that I have continued to be impressed with Alabama’s ability to put a winning process in place. Coach Nick Saban focuses on “process” when he coaches his players. One of the foundational elements of Saban’s coach approach is to break down the goal of winning the game into a process of manageable parts that can be achieved one play at a time. And, that is what I have done in writing Your Post-Divorce Compass. I have broken down the big picture of logistics of post-divorce life into manageable pieces with the ultimate goal of helping newly divorced people put their lives back together again.
I am a numbers person. I like numbers, I like math, and I like the challenge of figuring out how to get the most return on investment, whether it be investment of time, money or knowledge. I have included my love of numbers in this book in that you will see a great deal of financially-driven information. I want you to feel confident about all of the financial logistics involved with setting up your post-divorce life. As you go through this book, you will gain the knowledge needed to successfully move your financial life forward.
In my law practice, I meet many people in need. If they were not in need, they most likely would not be contacting me. I am grateful to have the opportunity to help people as they are moving through the difficult divorce and post-divorce process. In the same way, I am happy to be a resource for you or someone you know who may need help in the post-divorce process. Feel free to contact me anytime at info@postdivorcecompass.com. Thank you for allowing me to share a little bit about myself with you this week and thank you for being a part of the Your Post-Divorce Compass community. #divorce #familylaw