There must be something awesome about being able to make a big loan. I’m talking about the stuff banks and other financial institutions can do. They can help someone start a business, or buy a building, or go to college. How amazing would it feel to literally change someone’s life like that?
All over the world, there are people who don’t need nearly as much as all that … but they still need help. What if there was a way for them to get it, from regular people like you and me, for amounts nearly all of us can afford fairly easily?
I love East Cobb. It’s an amazing place to live and work and do business. We are truly blessed, and about as resource-rich as anyone could ever hope for. And now I want to find a way to take some of those blessings and multiply them around the world.
Thinking about that, I discovered For less than I might spend on a decent dinner out, I can contribute to a loan that changes someone’s life. In theory, they’ll pay it back – and apparently the repayment rate of Kiva loans is really high – but I have already decided whatever is paid back to me will be reinvested right back into someone else.
I’ve started a “team” on Kiva called “DLG Cares“. If you’re moved to help us out, I would be deeply honored if you would create a Kiva account, join my team, and throw $25 towards whatever cause moves you. Just navigate to our team page and contribute to one of the loans you see there. If you decide to contribute to a different loan, great! Just tag the team and hopefully other friends will come along and help with your borrower.
Together, we can do so much. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me!
— Mike Dunham